Happiness is Born in the Guts
- 2019年6月28日Jun. 28, 2019
- 2019年9月1日Sep. 1, 2019

Happiness is Born in the Guts
Municipal Gallery Arsenał
Self-help books claim that happiness depends on the condition of our intestines. We have reached a point of extreme self-absorption. By focusing our attention on our own intestines, we are pushing the boundaries of self-centredness. Striving for more and more control over the body and for longevity as well as the pressure of advancement reveal fear, while concentration on the individual lays bare his or her isolation.
Inspired by a popular slogan, the exhibition, however, is aimed at rehabilitating loneliness. It reminds us that man is alone, even in happiness, even in a relationship. Everyone is faced with situations that they face alone.
However, this is not supposed to be a sad statement. The works collected at the show refer more to the awareness of the individuality and singularity of each and every one of us. This awareness, in turn, means growing up. Happiness is Born in the Guts is therefore an exhibition about respect for loneliness and maturity. And it is the maturity that turns out to be the happiness hinted at in the title.
participants: Piotr Blajerski, Agata Bogacka, Magda Hueckel, Edyta Jabłońska, Aleksandra Kubiak, Sebastian Krok, Adam Łucki, Taus Makhacheva, Aya Momose, Tomasz Mróz, Dorota Nieznalska, Franciszek Orłowski, Jaimini Patel, Sergiy Petlyuk, Joshua Schwebel, Magdalena Starska
curator: Jagna Domżalska