百瀬文 Aya Momose ‘I.C.A.N.S.E.E.Y.O.U’ 2019年12月7日(土)–2020年1月18日(土)
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14:00–19:00 (月火休廊)
2–7 pm
(Closed on Monday, Tuesday)
Aya Momose, known for her work which deals with the topics of voice and body, re-opens ongoing questions from within her practice that concern the act of watching moving images, via moving images themselves. Her work exposes the moment of in which subjectivity can waver, and the reality of the uncertainty of our relationships with others. In her solo exhibition I.
The exhibition shows an eponymous video work - I.
In this exhibition, the artist questions the social mechanism and norms, that are largely constructed on visuals. Such a mechanism coincides with the structure of dominance that the video inevitably contains. The new video works exhibited here appear to be the artist’s response to seek an equal relationship with the subject, or her attempt to stand on the same plane as those who are shot through the camera. Momose juxtaposes the power relations embedded in moving images, and the intolerance and violence of society which lurk under the surface of everyday life. Dealing with her own female body and subjectivity, the artist challenges the politics of gaze anew and seeks to emancipate sexuality.
Opening reception
Overnight Sensation ~時代はあなたにゆだねてる~ / 作詞:小室哲哉 作曲:小室哲哉
- Anyway you want anytime you need
- 荒れる波を乗り越えて行きたかったら
- Everybody shakes everytime dance
- 嵐をさけてく知恵を養おう
- ジェンダー
- ポストコロニアリズム
- vaporwave
- 批評言語
- インディペンデント
- 新自由主義
Closing roundtable: Overnight Sensation
Yu Araki×Miwa Negoro×Aya Momose×Ichiro Fujimoto
Overnight Sensation ~ Jidai Wa Anata Ni Yudaneteru ~ / Lyrics and music by Tetsuya Komuro
- areru nami o nori koete ikitakattara
- arashi o saketeku chie o yashinaou
As we begin 2020, ask ourselves, what makes us smile? What do we get fed up with? What do we think of while dancing? 2019 saw extensive regression, and yet also slight progress. We feel that the age certainly has entered upon a new phase. Let us reflect on the past year and discuss to what extent such a feeling can be shared with others.
Now the song lyrics by trf may come to our mind. They sang, “arashi o saketeku chie o yashinaou” (let’s gain wisdom to weather the storm) observing the Japanese economic bubble bursting. If a certain place was destined to turn into a devastated land, how could we dance there at all?
- gender
- post-colonialism
- vaporwave
- language of art criticism
- independent
- neoliberalism
* The roundtable is in Japanese.
photo: 金川晋吾 photo: Shingo Kanagawa
百瀬文Aya Momose
1988年、東京生まれ。武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科修士課程修了。パフォーマンスを記録するための方法として映像を用いはじめ、撮影者と被写体の関係性のゆらぎを映像自体によって問い直す作品を制作している。近年の主な個展に「Borrowing the Other Eye」(ESPACE DIAPHANES、2018年)、「サンプルボイス」(横浜美術館アートギャラリー1、2014年)、主なグループ展に「Happiness is Born in the Guts」(Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznan、2019年)、「六本木クロッシング2016展:僕の身体、あなたの声」(森美術館、2016年)、「アーティスト・ファイル2015 隣の部屋——日本と韓国の作家たち」(国立新美術館、韓国国立現代美術館、2015-16年)、「戦争画STUDIES」(東京都美術館ギャラリーB、2015年)など。2016年度アジアン・カルチュラル・カウンシルの助成を受けニューヨーク(Triangle Residency)、その後ソウル(SeMAレジデンシー)に滞在。2019年、イム・フンスン氏と共同制作した《交換日記》が全州国際映画祭(JIFF)に正式招待されるなど、近年国内外で制作や発表を重ねている。
Born in 1988, currently lives and works in Tokyo. Momose completed an MFA in Oil Painting, at Musahino Art University in 2013. Momose’s early work involved capturing video of performing arts acts, uses video to reveal the relationship between the cameraperson and the subject. Her recent solo exhibitions include: “Borrowing the Other Eye” (ESPACE DIAPHANES, Berlin, 2018), “Voice Sample” (Yokohama Museum of art, 2014). She has participated in group exhibitions “Happiness is Born in the Guts” (Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Poznan, 2019), “Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice” (Mori Art Museum, 2016), “Artist File 2015 Next Doors: Contemporary Art in Japan and Korea” (The National Art Center, Tokyo and National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, 2015-2016), and “SENSOU-GA STUDIES” (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 2015). In 2017 she stayed in New York (Triangle Residency) for six months as a recipient of a grant from the Asian Cultural Council and in Seoul (SEMA Residency). The film Exchange Diary in collaboration with Im Heung-soon was nominated for the 20th Jeonju International Film Festival in 2019. She exhibits her works internationally.
EFAG EastFactoryArtGallery
- 〒134-0084 東京都江戸川区東葛西1-11-6 Google Maps
- 東京メトロ東西線葛西駅から徒歩15分
- https://www.instagram.com/efag.css/
- お問い合わせ:ayamomose@gmail.com
- 1-11-6 Higashikasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo Google Maps
- https://www.instagram.com/efag.css/
- Contact: ayamomose@gmail.com
- 企画:百瀬文
- キュレーション:根来美和
- 制作マネージメント:藤本一郎
- グラフィックデザイン:熊谷篤史
- 協力:EFAG EastFactoryArtGallery 安達淳・髙橋義明、Artists’ Guild
- Organized by Aya Momose
- Curated by Miwa Negoro
- Production management Ichiro Fujimoto
- Graphic design Atsushi Kumagai
- Cooperation Atsushi Adachi, Yoshiaki Takahashi (EFAG EastFactoryArtGallery), Artists’ Guild
- 助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京
- Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
© 2019 Aya Momose all rights reserved.